Teachers and Learners Sharing:
Using E-Learning at HKU SPACE
16:00 – 17:30
The Coursera experience with post-secondary students majoring in healthcare-related disciplines: Student-centered learning of the eHealth concept online 
Ms Carrie LAU (HKU SPACE Community College, Hong Kong)

Through blending the home English course, “English for Healthcare Professionals”, and the interactive components selected from an online course named “eHealth: More than just an electronic record” offered by the University of Sydney on the Coursera platform, students majoring in healthcare-related disciplines have been introduced to the concept of eHealth and its working language in Australia. Students were observed to direct their own learning, master the skills in writing commentaries on mobile apps about health informatics and critically evaluate each other’s work online. The challenges of online learning faced by ESL learners will also be discussed.

Manifestation of E-Learning in the Teaching and Learning of Languages at HKU SPACE
Ms Cecilia KAK
(HKU SPACE College of Humanities and Law, Hong Kong)
Mr. Henry CHOI
(HKU SPACE College of Humanities and Law, Hong Kong)
Ms OH Eun Kyung
(HKU SPACE College of Humanities and Law, Hong Kong)

Research and practice suggest that E-Learning contributes significantly to learners’ motivation, enhances teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions, enables the availability of real-time authentic study materials, encourages learning by doing, permits unlimited discoveries of information, overcomes geographical boundaries, surpasses time limitations, and ultimately enhances achievements. As teachers, facilitators and lifelong learners, representatives from the HKU SPACE Language Centre share their experience with CETHA conference delegates in uncovering the past, embracing the present and exploring into the future of e-learning in language teaching-learning.

The sharing covers:Ÿ
ŸŸŸ● E-Learning in Korean Studies from the content developer’s view
● E-Learning in English Studies from the teacher’s perspective
● The way forward:
E-Learning in various language and literary studies at SPACE

eLearning: Pains or Gains
Dr. Angel LEE (HKU SPACE Community College, Hong Kong)

Student representatives:
Ms CHAN Chu Lin Catherinelin, Mr. LAU Pak Shing Eddie, Ms LAU Pui Chi Tiffany & Ms SI Ka Wai Arienne
Many have discussed the advantages of applying eLearning in healthcare undergraduate studies. Key advantages envisaged are: flexible learning, building self-confidence among students in computer-based courses, and facilitating students to take responsibility for their learning. Despite the fact that a few of these comments may be evidence-based, the other discussion of eLearning may be more perceptual or unidimensional in nature. It is timely to hear from the end-users, students and teachers, what are real-life experiences in applying eLearning in nursing context. The information may enlighten teachers in the process of developing more realistic pedagogical improvement in healthcare curricula.